I flew to San Diego yesterday for a work-surf trip. I fly a good bit, and I always notice things I wish I could comment on – things that would make for a better flying experience for you, me, and everyone around us. I feel like it would be valuable to share some things not just for surfers traveling to distant waves, but also for people traveling in general.

1. Shower before you fly. Deodorant is a must. A clean shirt wouldn’t hurt. Pajamas are frowned upon. This isn’t your bedroom. I feel like I shouldn’t have to say this, but here we are.

2. Introduce yourself to the other person (people) in your row as you get settled in. Be polite. Make small talk. When they open a book, put in earbuds, or close their eyes, do not pass up the opportunity to shut up.

3. Be considerate of things in the overhead compartment. Other people paid for their computers and other belongings just as you did. Imagine how mad you would be if some jerk crammed his overstuffed, two-inches-too-wide bag into the compartment and you heard your sunglasses crunching.

4. Smile at parents flying with kids. Believe me, parents need to see smiles. You have just acknowledged that you are aware there are children on the flight. Now, be patient with those parents and children. If you’ve never flown with a hungry, bored three year old, you have no idea how stressful this is. Someone should offer a medal to parents brave enough to do challenging things such as this.

5. If there is turbulence – and there will be – don’t act like the plane is going down. Tighten your seat belt. Close your eyes. Take a deep breath. You can even get all white knuckled if you must, but be quiet about it. Those kids that I just mentioned can hear you.

6. Take ownership only of the aisle or window armrest. The interior armrests belong to NOBODY. Don’t jockey for them. Don’t even touch them.

7. If you use it, ask your row mates if the light or air vent is bothering them. They will probably lie to you and say no anyway, but you look like a nice person for considering the comfort of other travelers.

8. Do not take off your shoes. Loosen the laces or pop your heels out, but do not entirely remove your feet unless you have some emergency or medical need to do so. If you are in sandals, make sure your feet are clean and your toes aren’t gross. No one needs to spend four hours flying next to gross feet.

9. Be nice to the flight attendants. Tip them. Say thank you. Smile. They will accommodate you nicely, especially on long flights, if you show even the smallest amount of gratitude.

10. Don’t stand up to exit the aircraft until it is time for your row to leave. Aircraft egress is the same as leaving a stadium or church. If we all try to get to the door at once, no one is getting anywhere fast. Orderly exit, people. Please.

Photo courtesy of jethead.