The older I get, the more I realize that I have to take care of my body. In many ways, it has begun to betray me. Surfing helps. Eating well helps too. Surfing is a great total body workout, and you can maximize the experience by taking care of your body before and after your session with these surfing super foods.

Before you surf:

Eggs and whole-wheat toast. Give your body the protein and good carbs it needs to sustain your energy through a good lengthy session. This combination will keep you from feeling sluggish too. Add some blueberries as a side for a polyphenol boost.

Greek yogurt and granola. This is another combination high in protein and good carbs. Don’t cheat and eat the honey coated, sugar glazed granola. Throw in some berries for the added antioxidant and energy benefits.

Banana and peanut butter on a whole-wheat bagel. In addition to the necessary protein and carb energy combo, bananas are rich in potassium, which aids in muscle and nerve function.

Turkey in whole-wheat wrap with spinach and raw veggies. Include sprouts, red bell pepper, and red onion for lots of muscle-building protein and good carbs to burn.

After you surf:

Chocolate milk. Not only is it a nice little indulgence, its extra carbs and protein lock in the workout. And seriously, you are never too old for chocolate milk.

Protein pancakes and strawberries. There are a few good recipes out there, most of them including oats and cottage cheese, or you can go with a protein packed pre-made mix available in many health food stores.

Grilled (or baked) chicken and veggies. When made with red onion and broccoli, this combo is nutrient-dense, replenishing the body with everything you drained out of it during your session, and it is sure to give you necessary post-workout protein. Lightly brush the chicken with some olive oil and give it just a dash of sea salt and black pepper.

Salmon and avocado. Salmon is the ideal food to consume when trying to prevent inflammation. It’s excellent for any achy muscles or joints after you surf. Avocado is an excellent fat absorber, so feel free to also treat yourself to a dark beer or a glass of red wine, both of which are rich in antioxidants.

Water, water, water. The sun and salt will sap your hydration, so be sure you consume plenty of water before and after you surf so that your muscles, joints, and organs are all in proper working order.

Of course, these are just some examples of surfing super foods. There are tons of good options out there. Many of them you can make in your own kitchen, and many can be found in beach town restaurants and cantinas all over the world. Above all else, feed your surfing well.

Photo courtesy of Diet & Nutrition Advisor.